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Preliminary Exercise: Inspiration

Before we start taking pictures for our very own preliminary magazine cover, it's best to understand the conventions of the concept being used in the cover. Since we're supposed to design a high school-esque magazine cover, I decided to look at pictures snapped by others revolving around the concept of the millennial education system.

I chose this picture because it not only showcased the education system and the students but also the teacher. I liked the composition of this long shot as it manages to make a distinction between the teacher and the students without much struggle. The blurring of the students, especially those in the back makes the image appear sharper and not too busy. Another reason this picture was inspiring was, the students in the classrooms were representative of all ages.. We see teenagers and eager adults alike joined in one classroom.

The objective. The finishing line.
Since the day a student sets foot in an institution, their mind is occupied by the thoughts of when they're going to graduate. I found this long shot very effective as it focuses on their graduation caps, a symbolic code for the education system. This picture too has the students in the background blurred as to not have the picture look too cluttered. 

I added this medium shot with the rest because it was refreshingly different. The first thing that struck me was the representation of not just the white population but also that of the African Americans and South Asians which is important for equality to reign. It's also the ideal diversity that should be found in our education systems but unfortunately isn't. Their happy expressions also helps finally break through the stereotype of teenagers finding studying (provided it's what they're passionate about) a burden. Their smiles also makes them look more approachable hence inviting.

This medium shot highlights the conventional educational environment. The focused students don't loom into the camera making the image realistic. The props (papers, pens, files) only add to what such an environment is supposed to be like. The mix of genders thrown in also adds to the realistic-ness of the image. The blurring of the students in the background and foreground helps focus our attention. 

Now that I've drawn inspiration from these images, I'm ready to go snap some of my own. I have a few ideas. I hope to execute them well. Please anticipate.


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