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Experimenting with Lighting

Today's Media class was refreshingly different. Instead of spinning on our chairs, tapping away on our laptops or listening to a lecture, we took a trip to the auditorium to practice our hand at lighting to take the perfect picture for our magazine cover. We took turns holding and adjusting the angle of the reflector and the key light (an industrial LED lamp) or "Hollywooding" it, according to the video we watched before we ventured to the auditorium. We all took turns taking pictures and alternating between being the models for our peer's camera. Amongst shared fistfuls of 'Cocomo' and one miniature water bottle, we managed to click quite a few pictures, varing in shots and angles. We also played with coloured lighting, wrapping coloured cellophane paper over the LED lamp to create these shades and even a mix of hues. My Media Sir taught me how to take pictures in low key lighting since I will be using that in my final picture. We learnt numerous things like the functions of the key, fill and rim light and experimented with them, which will help me and my clssmates take better pictures for our final task. 



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