"The Beginning is Always Today" Forlorn, a girl stares out the window, unseeing. This world bores her. So she makes a new one. And then another. And another. And another. And another. That girl is me. Today marks the birth and creation of my blog which's purpose is to keep a record of the progress I've made on my foundation portfolio. Being seventeen and deeply intoxicated with the art of story telling and sharing said stories with the masses through a medium which brings us all together, taking Media Studies in my A levels was a natural choice. Along with Psychology, Literature in English and History, it evolves my understanding of people and aids me in my aspiration of telling an exciting tale; mine. I look forward to telling you more about my project as it progresses and myself. Keep reading!
Revolutionary, Intrigue, Demiurgic. Give me a canvas and I'll paint you a dream
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