Magazine Double Spread Analysis
After slaving for days, I have at long last, completed the last of my assignments, the double spread analysis.The double spreads are one of if not the most important element of a good magazine. The double spreads contain the actual contents of the magazine that have been teased and hinted at in the cover and content pages. Like any good mystery, it is important that the enigma is solved with a satisfying explanation (in this case, the article). I have chosen three very contemporary double spreads to understand how a successful double spread can be created and the exact impact of every element that goes into making it.
Interestingly enough, the subjects of some of these double spreads ended up introducing me to new media products that I discovered I enjoy. I write this blog post while head banging to Ecca Vandal's 'Future Heroine'. My favourite part of this subject is the self exploration and expression it allows me. Can't wait to design my own double spread.
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