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Refined Double Spread Looking back at my double spread, I wanted to make a few refinements here and there. I decided to move the picture in the middle column and the attached quote a little upwards to break the monotony of the text in the upper left corner of the right page. Similarly I decided to move the second secondary image and tour dates upwards as well. I also decided to decrease the size of the tour dates. I did this by utilising the transformation tool (Ctrl T). I then readjusted the text boxes which contained the body copy to fit around these elements. I also added more distinct spacing between the paragraphs of the body copy and added text where and if it was needed. I also decided to add the magazine name and the issue date in the footer on the bottom left corner in red with the help of the text tool in the same size as the number to maintain uniformity.  I'm pleased with my double spread which after refinements, looks like this:
Refined Content Page Despite being done with the content page, I decided it wouldn't hurt to look over it and see what can be done to spazz things up a bit. Once I looked it over I decided that despite the colourful pictures it looked a little bland so I made a few improvements. I thought it would be better to introduce a little more uniformity and so I made the first three columns equal in size. Naturally, the next step was to adjust all the elements on the content page accordingly. I did this with the help of the transformation tool (Ctrl T). I felt my content page could be improved with a splash of colour so I used the rectangle tool to make a long red rectangle in accordance with the magazine's colour scheme, the size of the right most column. I dragged this layer under all the others. I removed the ellipses from the heading of the content page and turned all the textual elements white so they would stand out against the red background. Fin...
Refined Magazine Cover Since this is the final task I wanted everything to be perfect so I couldn't help but go over my magazine cover again and make a few refinements. The first thing I felt could be improved was the main cover line being moved a little further down to provide a sharper juxtaposition to the other cover lines. So I selected all the relevant textual layers and the layer with the brush stroke and moved it further down with the help of the move tool. The next thing I wanted to improve was the leading of the description of the main cover line. I increased the leading to 14 and extended the text box slightly horizontally so it wouldn't look like a separate element from the title. I now feel content with my magazine cover looking like this:
Final Double Spread Out of all the magazine tasks I was most excited to work on the double spread since we had not designed them as a preliminary task so this would be the first time I'd be designing one. I was not, however, anxious, since I had spent ample time planning out all the elements and their positioning on the double spread. I started off by creating a new file with the dimensions of 10.9 inches for height and doubling the width into 10.8 inches in accordance with the dimensions on my magazine. I kept the resolution at a reasonable 150 pixels/inch. Next, I added margins in this file, one in the middle to distinguish between the pages and then margins on 0.2 inches from the sides, two on the widths of the page and some three columns for the body copy and the content box I planned on adding later. This would ultimately bring neatness and uniformity to my body copy and double spread. Keeping in accordance to my theme, I used the paint bucket tool ...