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Showing posts from September, 2017
Key Media Concepts "What we learn with pleasure, we never forget." Today's class was an exciting mix of future prospects and facts. We learned about key media concepts through a very interesting mnemonic 'MIGRAIN', which will perhaps later act as a Freudian slip!  What are key media concepts you may ask. They're the basic components used by media creators to communicate to their audience and perfectly project their thoughts within their art or more technically known as their media product.  M   edia forms and language I     nstitutions G  enre R   epresentation A  udience I   deaology N  arrative Media forms and language, to put it simply, are the way of doing things when it comes to the makings of an media product, print or otherwise. Media forms are the various different platforms on which media is produced, for example, film or radio.  Media languages encapsulate media codes and conventions. There are two types of media
Magazine task (print): For our AS level we've chosen to produce a portion of a magazine with a genre of our choice. To be specific we design the front page, contents and double-page spread of a new magazine. There should be a maximum of four members to a group if any but we (my class) chose to do our magazines individually as to better project ourselves in our work. All images and text used in the main task must be original and produced by the candidate with a minimum of four images. This task should be preceded by preliminary exercises to build up learners’ skills with equipment and their understanding of conventions. Excited to take the next step in this exciting journey.
"The Beginning is Always Today" Forlorn, a girl stares out the window, unseeing. This world bores her. So she makes a new one. And then another. And another. And another. And another. That girl is me. Today marks the birth and creation of my blog which's purpose is to keep a record of the progress I've made on my foundation portfolio. Being seventeen and deeply intoxicated with the art of story telling and sharing said stories with the masses through a medium which brings us all together, taking Media Studies in my A levels was a natural choice.  Along with Psychology, Literature in English and History, it evolves my understanding of people and aids me in my aspiration of telling an exciting tale; mine. I look forward to telling you more about my project as it progresses and myself.  Keep reading!